DAHTA Accomplishments of 2017
Met obligation to City of Duluth in raising $30,000 for trail improvements to the Ely Peak Loop in the Magney Snively Natural Area. Construction was completed in late 2017.
Attracted new members to reach year-end high of 75 members.
Facebook page attracted 1,040 followers. DAHTA “Share the Trails” video went viral 150K views and 3.5K shares.
Northland Horse Fair booth was staffed, selling horse treats and water bottles. DAHTA board members gave a talk about DAHTA and its goals.
Horse sensory clinic was held at Serenity Farms, raised $500 with 17 participants and their horses. Great success which will be expanded in 2018.
Participated in City of Duluth trail planning, including ways to make trails that are shared with other user groups more horse rider friendly. (Mounting blocks, rail height across bridges, etc.)
Horses in Your Neighborhood outreach event in May was huge success at four barns with 100s of participants.
DAHTA submitted a response to a Duluth News Tribune Letter to the Editor to clarify horse use on shared trails.
DAHTA was featured in an article “Hot to Trot the Trails” in Duluth.com magazine
Held annual fundraiser at Derailed Bar, many donations were secured, raised nearly $2,000 in spite of rainy night.
DAHTA paid for board member to attend a grant writing workshop
Grant written and received from Duluth Community Foundation for $5,000 for trail signage on the Ely Peak Loop.
Lots of fun at the Boulder Lake Trail ride held in June
September 19 trail bike ride on the DWP trail to familiarize members with challenges and opportunities.
Received confirmation that the Buffalo House wants to work with DAHTA on developing a horse camp.
Small group enjoyed the Dago Lake trail ride held in October
Six donation boxes were placed at horse tack and feed stores
Looking ahead to 2018…
- Official reopening of the Ely Peak Loop to horse riders!
- Developing signage for horse riders on the Ely Peak Loop
- Plotting out the next trail goal toward connection with the Buffalo House
- Planning horse camp with the Buffalo House
- Working with Jay Cooke Park for expanded horse trails
- Increase membership to over 100 members
- Many fundraising and fun events to accomplish our goals!