Support the Duluth Area Horse Trail Alliance

Horse riders! Come together for local horse trails!

Duluth is a premiere trail city for many users. Our goal is to make sure horse trails are in the plans for a destination experience.

DAHTA is a 100% volunteer organization. We need YOU to help us make this happen. Join or donate and then come ride with us!


Upcoming 2024 Events

  • NEXT MEMBER MEETING: Tuesday, January 7, 6:00 p.m. (NOTE: New time) at The Buffalo House. Come extra early to have supper or a beverage in the bar.
  • 2025 Membership Drive is underway! $20/individual or $25.00 family memberships. Click on the JOIN OR DONATE button above.
  • New Board Members were installed in June. See “Contact Us” page.

About the horse trails in the Magney-Snively Natural Area and DWP: 

Autumn 2024 NOTES: Trails are dry and open for riding! Leaves are turning!

The City of Duluth officially opened the Ely Peak Loop to horses on October 12, 2018, but there are a few things to know. 1) Parking is at the trailhead parking lot at 10005 W. Skyline Parkway for both the DWP (old railroad grade) and Ely Peak Loop. 2) The repaired loop is 3.7 miles and is across the road from the parking lot. 3) Horses can also ride on W. Skyline Pkwy., including in the winter when the road is closed.  4) There are horse-only reroute trails off the main trail to avoid steep inclines. Please use the reroutes. 5) The trail is dry enough for summer/fall riding. Check this site before you go in the spring. 6) Remove all manure from parking lot (haul it out with you).

More about the DWP Trail: 1) It is multi-use for hikers, bikers and horse riders. Please make sure your horse is sensitized to bike rider surprises. This is a new multi-use trail and not everyone is familiar with etiquette. We’re working with the City of Duluth to get better informational signs up. There’s a long, dark tunnel through the mountain that might be especially scary for horse and rider. Bring a headlamp and warn any bikers as best you can. 2) Access from the Trailhead Parking lot is marked; a wide, gravel pathway. DO NOT ride on the Hiking Trail, a narrow, foot-traffic path.