October 14, 2019
Buffalo House
DAHTA Board Members Present: Jackie Willis, Pete Sylvester, June Breneman
DAHTA Board Members Absent: Char Sobczak, Candy Barbo, Anne Gullion, Lynn Smith, Ed Barbo, Heidi Olsen
DAHTA Members Present: Britt Rohrbaugh, Dawn Johnson, Dennis Baljo
P. Sylvester called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Meeting did not follow traditional format.
No Secretary’s Report
No Treasurer’s Report
Discussion Topics:
Parks & Trails Association of Minnesota – J. Breneman looked into this organization that advocates on behalf of trail development in the state. She will inquire if they can engage with the DNR on our behalf to use the side of the Munger Trail to connect to the Buffalo House. As part of their efforts, PTAM has an Application for Land Acquisition Assistance form. This trail connection might fit under their category for “New/Unique/Innovative Initiatives.” (J. Breneman)
Ely Peak Trail Signage – P. Sylvester went to the trail head and took pictures of the new signs which are finally up. The City of Duluth will be ordering 11 more signs to finish the project.
DAHTA 2020 – Many board members are retiring from their positions this year. Discussion focused on how to encourage more participation from members.
Top comments at meeting and in the recent survey include: more trail rides, more events and active meetings. J. Breneman acknowledged that these are great but the board members are tired and we need people to organize these things (note where someone volunteered).
It was decided that DAHTA should map out events for 2020 at the November meeting. (J. Breneman will print a calendar)
Ideas Generated:
Snowshoe meeting on a weekend day at Boulder Lake
Overnight camp event at Boulder, staying at the Boy Scout Camp Site across the road
Bird Sanctuary (Solon Springs, WI) lodge ride/overnight (D. Johnson)
July Horseshoe Lake ride (no bugs!) (D. Baljo)
Poker Ride or other game ride
2nd Annual Classic Horse Movie Night – Man From Snowy River (J. Breneman and D. Johnson)
Presentations before regular meeting – March? Other winter meetings?:
◦Anna Lockman re: mineral supplements, other (J. Breneman)
◦Christina, local new vet
◦Dr. Keener (B. Rohrbaugh)
D. Baljo also suggested recruiting members from past email lists and inviting them to join again.
A list of 2019 accomplishments should be generated to share by the end of December. (P. Sylvester)
Member Survey – It was suggested that meeting time is moved forward. Group agreed that the meetings should try starting at 6:00 and see if that helps.
Boulder Lake Center Meeting Oct. 12 Report – J. Willis reported that the meeting with Learning Center Director Ryan Hueffmeier and Management Area Manager Dave Marcinak was very positive and encouraging for trail users of all types, including horse riders. P. Sylvester added that is was encouraging and refreshing and that DAHTA should help promote the trail use.
Trail From Buffalo House Hike: Date should be set to hike the trail possibility identified and marked by Char Sobczak on an app. (P. Sylvester)